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Chicago Skyline Michigan


Chicago Skyline Mirage Visible from Southwest Michigan

Picture Taken Nearly 60 Miles Away

Atmospheric Conditions Create Illusion

April 29, 2015 12:40 AM EDT - A remarkable mirage has been captured in a photograph taken nearly 60 miles away from the Chicago skyline. The image, taken from Weko Beach in Bridgman, Michigan, shows the seemingly impossible sight of the Chicago skyline visible from across Lake Michigan.

The phenomenon is caused by atmospheric conditions. When certain conditions are met, layers of warm and cold air can create a mirage, causing objects to appear in places they would not normally be visible. The mirage can be caused by a temperature inversion, where the air near the ground is cooler than the air above it. This causes light to be bent, creating the illusion of an object being closer than it actually is.

The Chicago skyline is often visible from Southwest Michigan, but it is extremely rare to see it from such a long distance. The conditions that create a mirage are very specific, and only occur a few times each year. The last time a similar mirage was reported was in 2012.

